Yesterday, I got to see Blythechild, Someotherathena, Reynardin & Faunalia for dinner at Sushi Time (mmmmm.... sushi), and all but B. continued to the Narwhal gallery to see the Tara McPherson show. She looks somewhat like the women she depicts. We ran into R.'s friend Theo & his wife Alex, so we ended up chatting until they closed the gallery. Our host was complaining about the shoe prints on the wall (were the filthy hipsters kicking the wall or posing with their feet up? We will never know.). (The image struck me as a peculiar hommage in the Sushi Time ladies' room. Maybe dumpsters need love too.)
Today, I went out to get some nice things for Mom and found some sort of festival on Roncesvalles. Many shops and restaurants were giving away free samples. A local restauranteur seemed very dismayed when I turned down spare ribs, but I felt stuffed with sushi from the night before. (Friends! Future reference: Please, do not let me polish off B.'s spare sushi after eating a plate of my own!). Then I went to the TCAF and met up with R. & F. I am glad that the comics community is so huge in Toronto, but I felt a little claustrophobic. I bought Kate Beaton's book (and she drew me a little Tesla and remarked on the unusualness of my name) and a few other items. We continued randomly eastward and ended up near Christie and St. Clair, thus had to indulge in some serious ice cream, despite the windy, changeable, overcast weather.
We followed this by a trip to High Park with the dog. Sadly though, the temperature had plunged. So we warmed up with tea and plans for the future... Really a delightful day. Looking forward to seeing friends Monday too at the kid koala music to draw to event.
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