This is a colour-changing (!) block printed portrait of Wilhelm Röntgen (or Roentgen, without the umlaut), 1845-1923, the German physicist who discovered x-rays and earned the Nobel Prize for physics in 1901. I've depicted him at work, studying this mysterious, newly discovered, invisible form of light, based on a photograph of him in his lab, using a Crookes tube to produce x-rays. The form of the print mimics the nature of his discovery - much as x-rays reveal the skeleton within, the thermochromic ink in which Wilhelm Röntgen is printed dispears when heated to reveal his skeleton below! The lino block print is an edition of six (some variability in mixed colours) in white, cobalt blue and navy thermochromic ink on 9.25 inch by 12.5 inch (23.5 cm by 31.8 cm) Japanese kozo paper.

Thermochromic ink changes colour with temperature. If you heat the print above about 30°C ( 86 F) Röntgen go colourless and disappear, to reveal his skeleton. By using, for instance, a hair dryer, it's possible to see Röntgen's skeleton. It's a metaphor for x-rays!

*Physics has the best words. Also, all my knowledge of German comes from physics, chemistry or music, which makes for an odd, and not particularly useful assortment. Bremsstrahlung, Gedankenexperiment, mit Ausdruck, Dur, Moll...
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