After spending Sunday afternoon in Peggy's Cove, we returned to Halifax and had a fabulous sushi dinner at the well-recommended Dharma Sushi. We spent our last night in Halifax, and in the morning after coffee and some sort of baked item, we headed along the south shore to Lunenberg (the second UNESCO World Heritage site, after Peggy's Cove, on this trip). We had planned to take the ferry from Digby to Saint John, New Brunswick (at no small expense! ouch!) and had to make it in time for our reservation. The girls at the information counter in Lunenberg estimated a 2.5 to 3 hour transit west across the province, so we had no time to spare. I managed to snap some photos as we more-or-less rushed through town looking for lunch.

We passed through several picturesque towns along the way. This town was bedecked with bras. I don't know why, but I asked to stop to take a photo. It was funny because RJH was driving and I was on "Moose duty"* and had been requested to be explicit if I saw anything. I told RJH that my reflexes are good, but I can be quite literal when surprised. I told him about driving with my ex and saying excitedly, "Deer! Deer! Deer!" and then failing to comprehend that he
heard "Dear! Dear! Dear!" I finally varied my tack somewhat and said, "Stag!" Once I was walking along a pier with JY and was concerned that our path would lead to an unpleasant experience when she stepped on a dead rat. So, we had this ridiculous conversation. "Dead rat." "Eh?" "Dead rat." "What? "DEAD RAT." "Oh. Why did you tell me? I would be happier not knowing. You could have just pulled me aside." So, RJH asked that I be descriptive. I joked that I was only any good at offering nouns. Sure enough, when we came around the bend and I saw an entire park bedecked in clotheslines full of garlands of bras, I said, "Bras!" So, we drove right by and I didn't get him to stop the car until later, but I did manage to get one of the lampposts with hanging bras.

*I've spent enough time driving through northern Ontario to believe that moose are car killers, like mad, unpredictable, aggressive quarter-horses, with many antlers and little brain.
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