I have been working away, when I could, while we've been trying to do remote school for the first couple months of the year. I actually managed to keep up with the Printer Solstice prompt and made a new print a week. Now that schools have reopened here, I have a chance to share some of my latest prints.
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Freedom of the Press, linocut by Ele Willoughby, 2021 |
I wasn't quite sure where to go with the theme "freedom of the press". I went with a winged Gutenberg press, thinking of the initial freedom it represented after its invention. (By the way, it's often presented as the first press, moveable type and paper were invented in China). I made a several different prints with this block, rather than a single edition.
The next theme was Blood, Sweat and Tears:
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Blood, Sweat and Tears, linocut by Ele Willoughby, 2021 |
This "Blood, Sweat and Tears" lino block print is about how we as people reflect our origines in the ocean. Printed from 8 hand-carved blocks it shows blood cells racing through an artery, a cross-section of our skin with a sweat gland, an eye with a tear and a section of ocean seawater.
There's a well-known quotation from Isak Dinesen (the pen-name of Karen Blixen);
“‘Why, yes,’ he said, ‘I know of a cure for everything: salt water.’
‘Salt water?’ I asked him.
‘Yes,’ he said, ‘in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea.’"
This oft-given advice that hardwork, releasing your emotions or visiting the sea is the answer to any problem plays on the fact that sweat and tears are just salty water. But, in fact, we ourselves are predominently water, and we preserve the salinity of the environment of our earliest ancestors, from even before the first lobe-finned fish decided to seek refuge on land, in the Devonian (about 360 million years ago).
Next up was Creative Blocks. I opted for carving a collection of kid's wooden building blocks and then printing them on assorted beautiful patterned papers (both Japanese washi and European papers), so that some of them were "creative". I have made a whole series of these prints, each unique.
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Creative Blocks, series of linocuts by Ele Willoughby, 20201 |
The next prompt was Animal Prints. So much of what I do is animal prints I wasn't sure what to do. It occurred to me that choosing insects might be a less common choice. Then I discovered that a group of moths is called an eclipse and I knew I had to add to my terms of venery series for groups of animals.
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An Eclipse of Moths, linocut by Ele Willoughby 2021 |
This hand-printed lino block print shows five of the noctural moths of
Ontario in front of the moon at a lunar eclipse. The five moths are: the
gorgeous green Luna moth (Actias luna), the yellow and purplish-pink
Imperial moth (Eacles imperialis), the Five-spotted Hawk Moth in brown
with orange spots (Manduca quinquemaculata), the red-orange, black and
cream Virgin Tiger Moth (Apantesis virgo), and the black and white White
Underwing (Catocala relicta).
I designed the typefaces to
suggest the meaning of the words. "Eclipse" is full of crescent moon
shapes. "Moths" is written in moth shapes.
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