Monday, September 23, 2013

Find minouette in the Supply Room at the Art.Science.Gallery

This is a gallery I'm really excited to be associated with! I only wish they were closer to home. Very soon, you'll be able to find minouette prints in the Supply Room gallery shop for the Art.Science.Gallery, an Austin, Texas "art gallery and science communication space dedicated to art-science fusion of all kinds" and the first US gallery "to feature exclusively science-related artworks!"

You can read more about their philosophy here, and check out their exhibitions here, find them on Facebook or twitter. They are run by fellow artists/scientists and I love that this makes me feel like it's maybe not an eccentric or unheard of career path.

I sent a series of insect related artwork, including my bee series of linocuts, to coincide with an upcoming entomology-themed exhibit. I also included some general science, history of science and scientists prints.

A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies

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