Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I've been blessed with a beautiful day. It was wintry in the past week, but today is early summer. Usually it rains on Mayday.
I got up, cleaned the new floor, that my crazy RJH has been frantically installing in our basement. Dealt with a whole bunch of logistical problems (ranging consulting on calibrating instruments, tracking down addresses for wedding invites, to alerting craft show applicants of their acceptance or rejection from our show). It was another odd geophysicist/printmaker morning. Then my father showed up to take me out for a late lunch, which stretched on for some time. We went to Playa Cabana, a really good Mexican place which you wouldn't expect on a residential street near his new home. He gave me all sorts of books. He said the bookseller said, "Whoever these are for, this is not light reading." It should keep me busy for a while. I eventually returned home and moaned on the couch for a while, having eaten a stupid amount of food. My mother showed up with more gifts (kitchen stuff). My sister-in-law sent me a photo of my nephew with his birthday wishes, which was adorable. I've been fielding calls and messages. Thank you very much everyone. I feel old, but it's a really lovely day.
We're putting off celebrating till next week. We really want to complete the basement, so it'll be more work this evening. I hope you're having a beautiful day too. If you live around here GO OUTSIDE. Right now.
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