This sign, on a garage in North Saanich, which sells used cars, says a lot about BC, as well as about machines.

Instrument and cable on flatbed, Friday, about to leave for the graving dock and out to sea!

Nifty character in tiny window in Fan Tan Alley, Chinatown

Capital Iron, since gasolinequeen asked (it reads "Built 1863" by the way).
I had a great Saturday. Got up and ate some breakfast and then drove to Victoria with RM, to have coffee at Bean Around the World (best coffee in Victoria, btw), and read the paper. Sitting there in Chinatown on a patio, I loved watching a local kid walk up the reasonably crowded street with his surf board and near take out two tourists. Then RM drove up the the MTC to do some more work on his experiment, while I wandered the city. Went to Smoking Lily and bought myself a skirt. I also found a Marimekko umbrella, cause umbrella selection is superior in the Pacific northwest. Then I got a sketchbook and a few miniature canvases. I found this art gallery in Fan Tan Alley, which must be recent, because I would have noticed. They had an interesting show on; a collective working with wood assemblage and screen printing and graffiti. My favorite works were three masks, obviously inspired by native masks from BC (Haida, Salish, and so forth). The masks we large and made of old wood, posibly driftwood and re-purposed wood. They had radiating bands of vaneer covered in grafitti. The masks themselves were covered with screen prints, some mimicking Haida design. Great stuff! RM drove back down the peninsula and picked me up and I dropped him off at the ferry dock at Swartz Bay. Then I spent the evening with Fuzz and Lei and the monkeybabies (who really are getting too old for that name). We had time to talk and catch up and have a lovely meal of local salmon and vegetables from their garden. Then I flew home on the 11:30 pm flight.
I got in at 7:30 Sunday and went to bed. I got up for 1 pm for a virtual baby shower on Skype for Tanis. This evening we celebrated the DJ's birthday. Now, I intend to go back to bed.
I told the boss not to expect me this week - I will be asleep.