Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lost & Foundry

Yesterday, I went out to the craftster Toronto meet-up in Kensington Market, which was fun, and gave me the chance to stop by the Bass & Minnow gallery periodically. Faunalia and her cohorts in the OCAD bronze sculpture group had their triumphant Lost & Foundry show. The OCAD foundry has narrowly avoided getting cut, and will continue to provide a venue in Toronto for this sort of amazing art:
Lost & Foundry show
(melting pepper sculpture by the instructor Claire)

Faunalia - Smoking Baba Yaga Hut
Faunalia smoke fox
These are Baba Yaga's Hut (complete with smoking incense) and the fox smole self-portrait by Faunalia! The photographer showing her work at the smaller Minnow room next door said that people were drawn into the show, just to see the magnificent hut... which they then wanted to buy, of course.

Lost & Foundry show

It was great day- I hung out with Faunalia, Reynardin, and Someotherathena (a too-rare treat) and even saw Blythechild, if only briefly. I managed to get all my errands done (including obtaining the GIANT 5 lbs. bag of stuffing for pillows). Faunalia, Reynardin, and Someotherathena and I had dinner at Pho Hung, remembered the bad old days, discussed books, heard all about Dunce Bucket (upcoming animated phenomena). Someotherathena regaled us with the hysterically funny tale of the trials and tribulations of having to serve five male, Brasilian supermodels at one's bookstore. Though the rest of us are not blessed challenged with this problem, we must confess we could see the difficulty she described (but I do not suggest listing to, or watching the associated hand gestures to this story, with a full bladder).

Since we all want to see: TARA MCPHERSON, Print Exhibition & Signing, Friday May 8th, 2009, 6-9pm at Narwhal Art Projects, I propose that be our next dinner be on Friday, prior to (or after) the show.*

*Especially for those of you who missed this:
mmmm... cupcakes

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